Don't Forget to Turn Your Clocks Back One Hour this Saturday night, November 2!

Times & Directions Give

Love God. Love Others. 

Sunday Schedule

9:00AM - UPCC Café

9:30AM - Worship Service

11:00AM - Equipping Hour

Church Address

258 Main Street

East Greenville, PA 18041

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Archives for July 2023

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Sunday Preview

Jason Zimpfer will be preaching this Sunday from Luke 19:11-27 with his sermon titled, "Until I Come." Don't forget to stay for second hour as well! Join us in the 1st floor caf at 9 am for coffee and refreshments. Hope to see you Sunday....

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August 242 Weekend

Our next 242 Weekend is coming up from August 11th-13th. This is a great way to get to know new people, connect with those you already know, and to enjoy some great food. Sign up sheets will also be available in the cafe and foyer. Click Here to signup or host....

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Villas Summer Cookout

This event will take place on Saturday, August 19th, at 12 noon. Eight people are needed to help set up/clean up, minor food preparation, serve food, assist residents by carrying plate to table, serve dessert and drinks, etc. Five people are needed on Friday the 18th from 9am to 1pm, to help with food preparation. Please contact Renee Mauer atmauer42@verizon.netor text 215...

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New Second Hour Classes

We are starting our next series of second hour classes - Men's and Women's Series. CLICK HERE for the full info. We hope you will attend!...

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Sunday Preview

Josh Scheiderer will be preaching this Sunday from Luke 18:1-8 with his sermon titled, "Faithing or Fainting." Don't forget to stay for second hour as well! Join us in the 1st floor caf at 9 am for coffee and refreshments. Hope to see you Sunday....

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Please click here for more information about the Upper Perk Sports Camp in affiliation with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, July 17th - 20th. Camp is for children who have completed grades K - 5. We still need several individuals to help put lunches together at the church, Mon. - Thurs....

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July Picnic 2023

Our next picnic is THIS SUNDAY starting at 4PM located at New Gosh park. Please invite your family and friends! Hope to see you there!...

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FCA Camp Help Wanted!

Food Donations Needed! FCA sports camp is right around the corner and we are in need of food donations - please CLICK HERE for further information and to sign up to provide food. FCA CAMP VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Please click herefor more information about the Upper Perk Sports Camp in affiliation with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes,July 17th - 20th. Camp is forchildre...

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Sunday Preview

Derek Whalen will be continuing his preaching this Sunday from Luke 10:25-37 with his sermon titled, "Extravagant Love." Prepare your hearts as we will take part in communion as well. Please note, there is no second hour due to our church picnic. Join us in the 1st floor caf at 9 am for coffee,refreshments AND donuts! Hope to see you Sunday....

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Sports Camp Enrollment is Now Open

Please click here for more information about the Upper Perk Sports Camp in affiliation with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, July 17th - 20th. Camp is for children who have completed grades K - 5. We are also still looking for huddle leaders, kitchen help, and other volunteers....

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July Picnic

Our next picnic is quickly approaching! On July 9th starting at 4PM located at New Gosh park will be our annual July Picnic. Click Here to sign up to help serve Click Here to provide food! Pleaseinvite yourfamily and friends!...

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Sunday Preview

Derek Whalen will be preaching this Sunday from Luke 10:25-37 with his sermon titled, "Setting up the Story" Note, there is no second hour due to the holiday. Join us in the 1st floor caf at 9 am for coffee and refreshments! Hope to see you Sunday....

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