Check this page every week to see all information from our weekly update!
Safeguards for Kids Tour
1 in 3 girls and 1 in 7 boys will be sexually abused before the age of 18. What can Christians do to change these disturbing facts? Julie Lowe argues that Christians must lead the way in prevention and response measures to keep kids safe and to respond with the hope of the gospel. Parents, caregivers, and ministry leaders, please plan to attend this vitally important class on Saturday, March 1 from 9 am - 12 pm at Faith Christian Academy in Quakertown. Click here for more information or to register.
Lunch with Nate Sims
On March 9 we will have a luncheon following the service with Nate Sims, our Ministry Partner with CRU. Please click here to sign up. Space is limited, so sign up early to reserve your spot.
Child Dedication
On Sunday, March 30 we will have our next Child Dedication. Please email us at to let us know if you are interested.
Moms (and kids of all ages!) are invited to join us for fellowship and encouragement this Tuesday, February 25 from 9:30 - 11 am. We will meet in the preschool area on the second floor. You can also mark your calendars for the second and fourth Tuesdays of every month. We look forward to seeing you there! Text or call Julia Hoff (610-573-7878) with questions.
Bridge Course
This course offers a way to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed, non-threatening environment. The talks are designed to raise important questions and inspire conversation to help answer important questions like: Why does God allow suffering? Is Jesus the only way? Is Christianity really worth it? Our next local Bridge course will be at UPCC every Monday night at 7 pm. Click here to register for our local class. For more detailed information about the Bridge Course, please click here.
Young Adults Bible Study:
The Young Adults Bible Study meets on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month! Join us for a casual meal at 6 pm, or for the Bible study that follows, or both! We meet at different homes each time, so make sure to sign up for the text blast to get reminders and the location details. To receive those reminder texts, text Tori Love at 610-741-7176. Hope to see you there!
Wednesday Night Adult Bible Study
We hope you can join us next Wednesday, February 19 at 7 pm in the Cafe as we study the passage from 1 Peter 3:8-22. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday nights from 7 - 8:30. Please join in any week you are available! Email Pastor John with any questions at
Upcoming Events
We wanted to make you aware of our church events so you can mark your calendars!
- Ladies Coffee Event: Friendship is brewing at The Upper Perk Cafe for one special day on February 15th! Bring a friend or meet some new ones at an open house coffee shop format from 7:30 - 10:30 am for fellowship over specialty coffee and teas!
- Mental Health Summit: It will be held on Saturday, February 22 from 8 am - 12 pm. Check back soon for more details and how to sign up.
- Baptism: Our next baptism will be on Sunday, February 23, 2025. Please email the office by Monday, February 10 at if you are interested in being baptized.
- You are Invited: On February 27 at 6 pm Red Hill Community Bible Fellowship Church will be hosting an introductory class in the fellowship hall titled "Caring Biblically for Struggling Friends". Click here for more information.
Year-End Contribution Statements: The year-end contribution statements have been sent out. Please open your email to access your statement before the link expires on Friday, January 31.
Ways You Can Help
- Code Blue Shelter Volunteers Urgently Needed: Please consider becoming a volunteer for our Code Blue shelter so we can make sure our homeless neighbors have a safe and warm place to be overnight. There are still open time slots for the cold days ahead. If you haven't begun the volunteer process yet, please consider going to to get started today!
You can also click on either of the links below to donate to the Code Blue shelter or help purchase the items needed to care for our homeless residents:
Donate to UPHC
Amazon Wishlist - Open Link Food Pantry: The food pantry is low this time of year. Currently, the most needed food items for Open Link's Pantry are fruit juice, cereals, canned pasta, shampoo and conditioner, deodorant, body wash/soap, feminine hygiene products, baby wipes, and diapers (size 4, 5 & 6). And of course, they continue to count on UPCC to provide chili.
Sunday Preview
Pastor Kevin will preach from Ephesians 4:17-24 with a message titled "Put Off, Put On". Please join us in the Café for coffee and snacks at 9 am. Click here for a link to our new second-hour classes. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday.