Barney Whalen Memorial Service
Barney Whalen's Celebration of Life service will be heldSaturday, September 3rdat 10AM, at UPCC in the auditorium.All are welcome to attend.Click Hereto view his obituary....
Keep ReadingBarney Whalen's Celebration of Life service will be heldSaturday, September 3rdat 10AM, at UPCC in the auditorium.All are welcome to attend.Click Hereto view his obituary....
Keep ReadingStarting Wednesday, August 24th, andrunning through mid November, we will haveBible study at 7pmeveryWednesday night locatedin the simulcast.This is for anyone who would like to attend, feel free to invite visitors as well.Contact the church atinfo@upccmail.orgwith any questions....
Keep ReadingPastor Johnwill be preaching this Sunday from Ruth 3with hismessage entitled, "The Romance of the threshing floor." Refreshments andDonuts will be available in our caf at 9:00 am before the service. There is no 2nd hour due to our 242 Weekend.Hope to see you Sunday!...
Keep ReadingWe are currently looking to fill our custodial position at church.This is a role that requires 12 hours perweek of mostly cleaning offered at$15/hour.This position could be filled by 1 person or hours shared with another person.VERY flexible work hours to match your schedule.If you are interested or know someone that is, please contact the office or pastor Derek.(derekwhal...
Keep ReadingOur next church picnic is this SundayatNew Goshenhoppen Park, 618 3rd St., EastGreenville!Feel free to bring friends and family! Those attending, please provide a dessert or side dish!Larger families, please bring two items. Don't forget to label your dish. Picnic isfrom 4:30 pm - 8:00 pm, we willeat by 5:00 pm. Pleasecontact Jazmin Kernatjkern@upccmail.orgfor any question...
Keep ReadingJoin us as we continue to go through our six Core Values. Pastor Derekwill be preaching this Sunday from,2 Timothy 3:14-17concerning our next Core Value, Teaching and Living God's Word. With his sermon titled, "What's the big deal?" We will also becelebratingourgraduates! There is no second hour due to it being Fathers Day.Refreshments will be available in our caf at 9:00 ...
Keep ReadingSummer is approaching quickly! Mark your calendars for the following events: July 10 @4pm - Summer Picnic at New Gosh Park July 16 @12pm - Summer Cookout at the Villas July 30 All Day - FCA / Perk Sports Camp October 22 @4pm - Fall Fest 2022 (rain date Oct 29th) Click here for more details on the latest events on our website calendar....
Keep ReadingWe are asking our members to please contact us if you or a family member have recently graduated from high school, tech school, college or graduate school by Sunday June 12th. On Sunday, June 19th, we want to properly acknowledge those who have worked hard to achieve their accomplishment(s). Pleaseemail Jazmin atjkern@upccmail.orgto be recognized....
Keep ReadingWe are asking our members to please contact us if you or a family member have recently graduated from high school, tech school, or college. On Sunday, June 19th, we want to properly acknowledge those who have worked hard to achieve their diploma. Pleaseemail Jazmin atjkern@upccmail.orgto be recognized....
Keep ReadingThis Sunday Pastor John will be leading a Next Steps 2nd hour class. This is a class devoted to those whoare just visiting or those who are looking to plant themselves here at UPCC.We would love for you to join us second hour in the cafefor more information about our church and our next steps....
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