Times & Directions Give

Love God. Love Others. 

Sunday Schedule

9:00AM - UPCC Café

9:30AM - Worship Service

11:00AM - Equipping Hour

Church Address

258 Main Street

East Greenville, PA 18041

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Archives for December 2020

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Generosity Sunday Update

Praise be to our gracious and loving God! The total given for Generosity Sunday was $22,026.54! Thank you all for your faithful giving. As a result, we will help bless 20 different ministries, non-profits and those serving in those ministries!...

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Modified Service on January 10th

We will have a virtual service only for January 10th and hope to get back to normal on Sunday, January 17th. Please stay tuned, keep praying, and always keep your focus on Christ....

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Covid and Sunday Services

Under the Governor's new guidelines churches are allowed to meet. We encourage you to be cautious, and if you are at all uncomfortable coming to the building please join us on Livestream instead. We will NOT have the caf open and there is no second hour this week....

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