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Love God. Love Others. 

Sunday Schedule

9:00AM - UPCC Café

9:30AM - Worship Service

11:00AM - Equipping Hour

Church Address

258 Main Street

East Greenville, PA 18041

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Build Wisely

August 11, 2019 Series: The Parables of Jesus 2019

Topic: UPCC Passage: Matthew 7:24-27, Matthew 4:23-25, Psalm 18:2

Sermon Notes

A parable: a simple story used to illustrate a moral/spiritual lesson

We live in the world of insta-everything, but short sprints of time in the word don’t give us enough substance

Collision of truth

It was Jesus’ words that led him to the cross, not his actions. Jesus’ words were provocative (defined as: causing annoyance, anger, or another strong reaction, especially deliberately), and his words are where powerful things happen.

The sermon on the mount: A conversation about cost

If you want to follow me, be ready for persecution

  • Jesus deconstructs the idea of God, explains how humans exist to bring God glory
Setting of the Parable

2 builders, 2 structures, 2 outcomes

2 listeners of the sermon on the mount, men who heard these words that Jesus said

For a building, a good foundation is everything. Building a house represents work done for the Lord. Building the house on the sand signifies hearing god’s words, yet ignoring them

Salvation is faith alone, but works help us judge whether or not what the person has professed is true

Only 1 got it right, only 1 chose obedience

Application to Modern Day

In our culture we love convenience, but when we try to fit this convenience into our walk with the Lord, we realize Jesus’ call is anything but convenient. 

It’s not about now, it’s about that moment when we take our last breath, then stand before Christ and answer to him what we’ve done in his name

Comfort has distorted our view of the gospel. Here’s how we do it: We separate Jesus from his words.

Lots of people like Jesus, a high percentage of our population is “Christian”

But we don’t like his actual words, the hard, difficult parts that describe being a follower

What Should I Do?

This week, do a self-checkup with the sermon on the mount (Read Matthew 5-7)

We may all be builders, but are we building our own kingdom? Or THE kingdom?

We need to instead ask, how do I follow Jesus with everything I have?

Don’t want to have a shallow view of salvation. Jesus is more than a prayer, he’s about real life change.


More in The Parables of Jesus 2019

September 1, 2019

The Good Neighbor

August 25, 2019

The Parable of the Evil Farmers

August 18, 2019

The Parable of the Sower