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Love God. Love Others. 

Sunday Schedule

9:00AM - UPCC Café

9:30AM - Worship Service

11:00AM - Equipping Hour

Church Address

258 Main Street

East Greenville, PA 18041

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God's Image Bearers

April 28, 2019 Speaker: Ron Jones Series: Guest Speakers

Topic: UPCC Passage: Genesis 1:26-27, Psalm 25:16, Psalm 143:1-12, Romans 8:22

Sermon Notes

If anyone ought to stand up and talk about mental illness, it ought to be God’s people.

People have intrinsic value because they have been made in the image of God, and their value has nothing to do with their state of mind in their mental struggle.

Mental health = thinking that is incorrect. We all struggle with it, just to different degrees

Psalm 143: highlights of David’s suffering, dark state of his mind


2nd Hour Notes


What you can do for yourself

WRAP - wellness recovery action plan

Wellness toolbox

Daily maintenance plan
- Sometimes getting through one day is a serious achievement
- Spend time in the word daily
- Prayer, talk to God, praise God

Plan for bad days
- Have someone you can reach out to
- Have someone you're accountable to, have them call you when you need it

Knowing your triggers
- What music, what influences set you off?

What can you do for others?

  1. Be present rather than give advice
  2. Build relationship capital
  3. Avoid armchair psychiatry (labeling vs. learning)
  4. Let them tell you what has been helpful
  5. Be mindful of the stages of change
  6. Accept that change is Their process
  7. Respond to emotion - not the content
  8. “Being with” rather than “doing for”
  9. Don’t define success as an outcome outside your control
  10. Get some rest
  11. Provide a graduated response
  12. Talk about a boundary before you set it
  13. Contain yourself by offering something

More in Guest Speakers

March 10, 2024

Not When, but How

December 31, 2023

Life Lessons from the Shepherds

April 30, 2023

Mental Health Sunday 2023